I have been away for a while because life just took over. News flash! I am having a baby! I have gone through the various stages of pregnancy and now I am at the point where I just can't wait to birth my son. Initial stage for me was, "Thank you God! My prayer has been answered!" With bated breath we went through the 1st trimester. I was sick all the time. Could not keep food down and on the bad days, even water was a task to keep down. That phase went by and ushered in the 2nd trimester.
Life was going well, we moved from Toronto to Vancouver. Awesome city, amazing weather and my DH's new job. All was well,except my DS was cutting me no slack! I kept dealing with nausea through to almost 20 weeks. The good side was I didn't have all the associated ugliness that sometimes comes with pregnancy. Uneven skin tones, swollen feet and hands and sometimes noses. Yup, noses. Pregnancy was treating my outward appearance with respect. My belly was growing outwards and not widespread, so I didn't look too fat. I have somehow managed to gain only 10lbs in 8+ months. I can't deny my joy. My nails and hair are doing well too. 2nd trimester was my season to enjoy the glow, the sex and the sound sleep.
3rd trimester! I must drive DH nuts with my whining! I am constantly complaining about something or the other. My back, my hips, my belly, indigestion, heart burn... the list seems endless. That's where I am now. With a few weeks to go, we are excitedly awaiting our little boy. We day dream of our lives with him and pray that we make good parents. I can't wait!
P.S. Pardon me as this blog will probably become an all things baby blog!