Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Love is NOT Over rated

Hi dears,

I have been so caught in my everyday life that this part of it has suffered. Well, I am here now. This past weekend, I spent some time with my husband's family. It just helped me understand certain things.

1. Love is NOT over rated
2. Getting older does not diminish the quality of love
3. Love involves being honest, open and true
4. You do not love people simply because they are members of your family.
5. Love never stops hoping for the best.
6. When you believe that divorce is part of life, it makes working on your marriage too much work.

I feel blessed to know these things and I hope that I bless someone with these truths. Life is so full of uncertainties that the only thing we are sure of is here and now. If we do not make it count, what then are we living for?

Take the time to make the people that matter in your life know that they mean a lot to you. Give, give and never stop giving. Let go and LOVE.

hugs and kisses...


  1. Awesome write up. I really love this. Let me reblog it....:D

  2. Thank you dear. Sure go ahead and reblog!
