Friday, June 14, 2013

BEWARE!!! Sex and the City is fiction!

The other day, I saw a back episode of Sex and the City showing on TV. I smiled, remembering which episode it was. The one were Big refers to Carrie as his ‘friend’. As was expected she was not too happy. That got me thinking about that tv show and how you can get so lost in it and start to think it’s ok and perhaps chic to change men like your underwear. Sex and the City is fiction. So is Lipstick Jungle and Desperate Housewives. In these tv shows, women cheat, men cheat and still retain their respect, dignity and true love.

In real life, if like Carrie, I decide to have a new guy every week, have sex with him and flaunt him as my boyfriend, the only word that would suitably describe me is SLUT. Yeah, deal with it! I have not done as many men as Carrie, but I sometimes feel like I have done one too many.

There is also the issue of STI’s. Condoms are not 100% safe, so a little herpes, gonorrhea and Chlamydia can slip in and after a wonderful night, little miss sexy could end up with sores, drips and a very unfriendly itch! Why don’t the tv show characters ever have diseases?

I think I like Smash. Julia cheats on her husband and her life is not rosy! She picks up the pieces, but you can tell that if she could, she would have done things differently. I get very involved in the tv shows I watch, so I would like for them to make it as close to real life as possible.

We all slip, and do things we may not be proud of, but let’s learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of the people we love, admire and spend an hour every week watching on tv. Don’t insult me or try to deceive me by making it seem cool to cheat, be promiscuous, to sleep with someone’s husband/wife. It’s totally uncool and can lead me down roads I’d live to regret.

TV is fun, but please don’t be fooled! Real life is so much different!


  1. I love this.U have really echoed my views about stuff like this.

  2. I so luuuuv ur write-ups. Its totally different from others. You know exactly wat people would love to hear and talk about. Well done dear.
    Meanwhile, my friends and I just set up an NGO on the fight against domestic violence and child molestation. I wouldn't mind if u put in a word for us in one of ur write-ups and have your followers follow us on @orangfoundation
    Our website is:
    Thanks and have a splendid week.

    1. Thank you! Sure, I will visit your website. Good to know that people are trying to make a difference. Good luck. Best wishes...
