Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When the going gets sour...

Let us say you have been married for 10 years, and you step back from the kids, work, house work and all the things that make your life busy and then realize that your marriage has lost its pizzazz. You find that you go to bed in granny pants and wake up in the morning, belch, fart and start your day. You have suddenly stopped giving thought to the person sharing your bed.

Once upon a time, you would wake up, excited and eager to check what was going on in his pajama bottoms, and he would be excited to find out if your nipples were awake. Now, sex, sexy lingerie, scented candles, lazy weekends and all forms of hanky-panky are reserved for Valentine ’s Day and birthdays. If you are happily married and yet have to pause to remember the last time you had sex, or did something exciting with your partner, then we have a problem!

Relationships do not change on their own, people change. Before a relationship gets truly sour, both parties have to throw in the towel. Same way it takes two to make it work, it takes two to break it as well. As long as one is still ready and willing to try, there is still hope.
To revive your sex life without breaking the bank to buy self-help books, attend seminars and counseling etc (not that these things are bad), here are some simple tips.

·         Be willing to admit there is a problem
·         Be ready to address the problem
·         Talk… Communicate. You might rush to say, “Same difference”, but relax. You can talk and not communicate. Find a good time, have a candid chat with your partner. Forget the blame game and address the issue. Work out how to fix things.
·         Plan a date night. Just the two of you. No phones, email, kids…
·         Arrange a special meal, get good music, take a shower and look good (not necessarily make up. Lingerie/lounge clothes will do). Then prepare to have a romantic, relaxing evening. Play board games; watch a movie, just talk. Whatever works for you both.
·         Talk often about the things that brought you together. To retrace our steps, we sometimes have to go back to move forward.
·         Resolve to have sex as often as possible. Sex is great for bonding, relaxing and generally increasing intimacy.
·         Be good friends again! You know how you pause in the middle of your busy day, call your best friend and recant a crazy thing that happened at work? Or how you do something silly or funny and long to share it with someone? Or you hear a funny joke and want to share it with someone? Well, once upon a time, your go-to bff was your partner. Why did things have to change? Next time you want to share, how about you reach out and share with him/her?


  1. Please what do u do when u feel ur partner is taking u for granted?

  2. I just typed a long reply and lost it, so i will summarize. Before you conclude that your partner is taking you for granted, check yourself honestly. Are you not managing your expectations? Your partner is a man not a god, so he/she will not read your mind. Communicate your feelings expressly and give him/her a chance to respond. If the vibe you are getting is complacency, nonchalance and a general lack of interest, have a serious talk and take it from there. Good luck!
